Adaptable Tool for Modeling Benefits and Costs of SUD Programs
Calculating the Benefits and Costs Associated with SUD Recovery Programs
Building Rural Recovery Ecosystems Summit
Highlights of the June 2022 Fletcher Group RCOE Rural Recovery Housing Summit.
Why Evaluation Matters
Find out why evaluation matters to your rural recovery house, what data is the most valuable to collect, and how to evaluate and use the data you secure.
Intermediate Evaluation
This course will consist of five modules covering resident outcomes of interest, construction and use of a data shell, simple data analysis, data visualization, and reporting.
Need for a recovery related surveillance system
Justifying the need for a recovery related surveillance system: Exploratory focused interviews
Addressing Rural and Non-Rural Substance Use Disorder Stigma: Study
Explore a research article about interventions to reduce SUD stigma in rural and non-rural areas.
Establishing Quality and Outcome Measures for Recovery Housing
Explore a research article about quality and outcomes measures for recovery housing programs.
Perceptions of State Level Support for Recovery Housing: Study
Explore a research article about US Single State Agency perceptions of state level support for recovery housing.
Facts and Recovery Stories to Reduce SUD Stigma and Increase Support for Recovery Housing: Study
Explore a research article about interventions to reduce SUD stigma.
Impact of COVID-19 on Rural and Non-Rural Recovery Housing in the U.S.
Explore a research article about the impacts of COVID-19 on rural and non-rural recovery housing.