How to Prevent MAT-Related Discrimination
Information on developing non-discriminating policies in rural recovery housing based on FHA and ADA.
Coordinating Care: Treatment Plans
Using treatment plans in the rural recovery housing setting.
Why Addiction is a Chronic Disorder
Prevention of Opioid Use Disorder in Women
This webinar reviews the literature on the development of chronic opioid use disorder in women, and prescribing recommendations to reduce excessive opioid prescribing for acute pain related to common procedures.
SBIRT for Unhealthy Alcohol Use
In this webinar, Dr. Rose presents the origins of SBIRT and summarizes the evidence for its efficacy. She describes the process and the variety of options that exist for using SBIRT principles to care for patients with unhealthy alcohol use. The webinar offers suggestions for obtaining hands-on guidance for using it in practice.
Treatment of Stimulant Use Disorders
The presentation reviews new data on the neuropsychiatric and other medical effects of stimulants, and information on evidence-based treatment.
Suicide and Substance Use Disorders
Approximately 40% of patients seeking treatment for SUDs report a history of suicide attempts. This presentation describes the risk factors, screening methods, and key elements of safety planning for patients with suicidal ideation. It also explores rural implications for patients with SUDs and suicidal ideation.
A Multigenerational Approach to Prevention & Treatment of SUDs
Through both environmental and genetic factors, substance use disorders frequently perpetuate from one generation to another within families. Treating individuals struggling with substance use disorder in isolation often represents a missed opportunity to provide both treatment and preventative measures for others in their family who have been directly impacted by, are at risk for, or also struggle with a substance use disorder.
Smartphone-based Financial Incentives to Promote Smoking Cessation Among Pregnant Women
This webinar reviews the research, development, and outcomes produced by an innovative intervention with remotely-delivered financial incentives for reducing cigarette smoking during pregnancy.
Treatment and Assessment of Co-occurring PTSD and SUDs
This webinar by Dr. Peck provides a definition of trauma and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) according to the DSM-V, presents an overview of PTSD prevalence, and also reviews helpful assessment tools, strategies, and effective treatment approaches for PTSD. It also discusses specific considerations for working with rural populations and individuals with concurrent PTSD and substance use disorder