Addressing Barriers to MOUD Access
This presentation discusses barriers to medication for opioid use disorder (MOUD) access at community pharmacies, including how this issue affects members of rural communities.
Treatment Experiences in Rural Vermont
Baseline Needs Assessment: Treatment Experiences in Rural Vermont
Perspectives on OUD
Treatment Access and Engagement from Rural Family Members and People in Treatment
SUD Stigma Resources
Resources for SUD-related stigma
National Report – Rural SUD Stigma
National Report: Rural Substance Use Disorder Stigma and Treatment Needs
Developing a Rural Community Approach to Overcoming Stigma
Resource page about Community Conversations on Opioid Use Disorder, a program focused on overcoming stigma
Identifying SUD Bias and Addressing Stigma in the Clinical Setting
This presentation outlines practical approaches to identifying personal bias and addressing stigma in the clinical care setting.
Pregnancy, Parenting, And Substance Use: Stigma, Fear and a Call for Improved Messaging to our Families
This presentation covers unique barriers that people with opioid use disorder face when pregnant and parenting.
Tony Hoffman Highlights the Cost of Institutional Stigma
This article summarizes the main points from a keynote address at the Taking Action Summit in 2022.
“Tony Hoffman says he’s grateful for the insight he gained from experiencing homelessness. The co-founder of pH Wellness, who delivered a keynote at the Taking Action Summit, reflected on how his substance use disorder (SUD) eventually led to homelessness and how that experience gave him perspective on the stigma faced by people in similar circumstances. Instead of blaming people, he feels a sense of compassion and empathy. Rather than judging them, he wonders about the source of the pain that led to SUD.”
A Campaign to Reduce Stigma
“Individuals impacted by opioid use disorder (OUD) met with artist Charmaine Wheatley to have their portraits painted. These portraits include the words of these Appalachian community members to humanize the crisis, thereby reducing the stigma associated with OUD.”