The Fletcher Group Rural Recovery Learning Center offers courses for recovery house owners, operators, staff, and peer support professionals. Discover courses, including recovery best practices, fundraising & development, and operations policies. Learn at your own pace with courses available 24/7. Earn NAADAC CE Credits in our Learning Community Hub.* Get started today!
Browse our list of free courses on the Fletcher Group Rural Recovery Housing Learning Center.
To earn NAADAC-CE credits visit our Learning Community Hub:
From the Fletcher Group Rural Recovery Housing Learning Center– click on the Learning Community Hub icon under your profile name (on the right-hand side of the page).
Enroll in the courses that interest you and start learning today!
Don’t miss this opportunity to grow your expertise and stay updated on the latest in recovery best practices! For additional information, contact
We look forward to seeing you in class!!
*These courses have been approved by Fletcher Group, Inc., as a NAADAC Approved Education Provider, for educational credits. NAADAC Provider #242360, Fletcher Group, Inc. is responsible for all aspects of the programming.